Sunday Blog

Which countries receive the most and the least sleep?

  • 09 September 2020
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Are you getting less sleep than the required amount? Do you think you are getting less sleep or more than what is deemed necessary? Take heart. You are not alone. As interesting as it gets, research studies time and again has proved that there is a common sleeping pattern that...

How to beat anxiety and sleep well during Corona crises

  • 23 March 2020
  • By Shveta Bhagat

With the virus fast spreading and the minute to minute update on all news channels and mediums, what is definitely not serving us, is the accompanying concern and worry.  While it is good to be aware and know what precautions to take, it is equally important not to get hassled...

5 Reasons for Waking up at Night & Tips to Avoid Them

  • 10 October 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

This is a common concern for many- how to avoid waking up at night and returning to sleep. According to sleep experts waking up once or twice at night is perfectly normal but anything more could indicate an underlying health problem. Multiple night-time awakenings also referred to as “sleep maintenance...

How to Scare the Nightmares? - 9 Effective Tips to Avoid Them

  • 04 October 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Unwanted thoughts sometimes turn into incessant nightmares, leading to bedtime anxiety and sleep disorders. Though nightmares are mostly associated with children, various studies on sleep suggest that most adults experience at least one nightmare per week, making it one of the biggest causes of sleep apnea. The condition of sleep...

How to wean off sleeping pills

  • 28 June 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

How to wean off Sleeping Pills There is a growing fad among all age groups these days to pop up sleeping pills because of  sedentary lifestyle pressures or expectation crisis. The environment over all adds to the load being felt and more often than not people are succumbing to quick fixes...

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  • Max Dimensions: 72 inches (width) and 84 inches (length).
  • 100 Night Trial & 10-year warranty are valid as usual.
  • One additional day for delivery as compared to standard sizes.

Still confused? Call us on 080 4749 4649

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