Sunday Blog

This New Year, gift yourself the key to Better Sleep

  • 02 January 2020
  • By Alphonse Reddy

With a bright and promising New Year here holding abundant hopes, make sure you stay optimistic all throughout the year. Good sleep is important for the feel-good factor, and is an important psychological need in the ‘Maslow's hierarchy of human need’. Infact we don’t need to go into research to...

5 Reasons for Waking up at Night & Tips to Avoid Them

  • 10 October 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

This is a common concern for many- how to avoid waking up at night and returning to sleep. According to sleep experts waking up once or twice at night is perfectly normal but anything more could indicate an underlying health problem. Multiple night-time awakenings also referred to as “sleep maintenance...

Why Sleep Therapy is important

  • 19 May 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Once you have tried hard enough to get that elusive sleep that seems to be still dodging you, you know it is time to consult a somnologist or a sleep therapist. Once you commit to getting good sleep you need to be patient and find a therapist who you feel...

How to become a Morning person

  • 18 April 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Firstly get ready for a healthy lifestyle change and commit yourself to it. Remember you are all set to usher in positivity, good health and better sleep into your life as you decide to reset your clock. Here is how you could achieve your goal of becoming an early bird....

How to sleep well come Summers

  • 12 March 2019
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Yes you’d have started experiencing the rise in temperature and the fluctuating weather preparing you for the next season. This is also the time your body clock is starting to adjust to the onset of summers. The good news is once summer is here, the increased sunlight will mean more...

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We cater to all custom sizes. The process is simple: Please order the next higher standard size. Just reply to the order confirmation email and mention the required dimensions.
  • Max Dimensions: 72 inches (width) and 84 inches (length).
  • 100 Night Trial & 10-year warranty are valid as usual.
  • One additional day for delivery as compared to standard sizes.

Still confused? Call us on 080 4749 4649

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